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North Haven Hospice, Te Korowai Humarie, provides specialist palliative care for people living with any life-limiting condition, and support for their families/whānau and carers.
We are a community resource and there is no charge for our service, which is available to anyone of any age who lives in the Whangārei District or south-east of Kaipara District including Mangawhai, Kaiwaka, Maungaturoto, Topuni and Oruawharo - a total area of 3150 square-kilometres, and with a population of 100,000.
Hospice is not a 'place', but a philosophy of care known as palliative care and which can happen anywhere. The majority of patients receive our care and support entirely in their homes or place of residence. Patients who need a higher level of monitoring or respite may have a short admission to our inpatient unit (IPU), mostly for symptom management before returning home.
North Haven Hospice's premises in Tikipunga, Whangārei, are like a hub, and where Hospice's IPU, doctors, specialist nurses, pharmacist, healthcare assistants, family support team, Te Tumu Manaaki, and other staff are based.
In the 2019/20 year, we provided care and support for 542 patients, with on-average 117 patients in our care at any one time. Whilst around three-quarters of patients have a cancer diagnosis, one-quarter of patients have other life-limiting conditions such as disease of the heart, lung, kidney, and liver, or motor neurone disease.
For patients, a referral to Hospice does not necessarily mean that death is imminent, rather that they have symptoms which are complex and need specialist palliative care to improve their quality of life.
Our care is holistic, embracing the physical, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual needs of patients and their family/whānau and carers.
Our vision: Compassionate communities that work together supporting people to live and die well | Hapori aroha e mahi tahi ki te tautoko i te iwi kiora me te mate pai
You are welcome to contact us at 09 437 3355 or
For updates, news, events and other activities, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.