Supporting Caring Families Aotearoa
Who is Caring Families Aotearoa?
Caring Families Aotearoa (formerly Fostering Kids New Zealand) was formed more than 40 years ago to help caregiving families. We are here to support families who open their homes and hearts to tamariki (children) and rangatahi (young people) in need of care and protection.
Our Mission
Every Care Family is enabled, supported and trained to provide a safe and nurturing home. To strengthen Care Families by providing quality:
Support – Emotional and Tangible | Training and Learning Opportunities | Information | Advocacy | Innovation | Lobbying
Our Support for you as a Caregiver
Strong support is vital to ensure stable and secure homes for children in care. It is so important you never feel alone during your caregiving journey.
Caring Families Aotearoa offers a variety of support, advocacy and information to meet your individual needs.
Guiding Principles
The child’s best interest being paramount
Working with integrity and respect in a professional manner at all times
Acknowledging our bicultural commitment to caregivers in New Zealand
Focusing on the well being of Care Families
Promoting excellence and professionalism
Recognising the diversity of culture, tradition and individuals
A collaborative approach to quality Foster care
The value of team work
Consulting with caregivers & ensuring we represent that their best interests are upheld